
About the Justice Program

The Mistawasis Justice Program consists of a Community Justice Coordinator and a Community Justice Council. The Community Justice Council provides guidance in developing and implementing the Community Justice Plan. The Community Justice Council also provides case management supervision and monitoring for offenders.

Implement a community based Justice Plan that focuses upon public education, crime prevention, and alternative measures programs for youth and adults. The Community Justice Plan addresses the mandate, goals, objectives, operating practices and priorities of the Mistawasis Community Justice Council. Programming offered by Mistswasis: Early Release Programming, Reintegration-Corrections Support, Fine Option and Community Service Program, 2 Summer Camps, Coordinate Pow Wow Security.

Strategic Goals

The Justice staff with the Advisory Committee and Elders are currently re-developing a Justice Strategic Plan which includes the following strategic goals:

Goal 1: To provide programs and services that meet the needs of the individual, family, community and nation.

Goal 2: To cultivate positive working relationships with other service professionals and external organizations.

Goal 3: To ensure appropriate infrastructure is in place to support the delivery of existing and new community justice programs and services.

Goal 4: To evaluate processes and outcomes of the Justice & Policing Programs.